Hate It Or Love It

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

Goodwin's Wonderful Prezi: Task 9

Check out this Prezi about Goodwin's Theory about music videos! It's worth a look and its all set in the context of Hip-Hop/Rap.

Can't find the link?
Here it is:

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

"Mama Said Knock You Out", LL Cool J : 9 Key Screen Shots Task 7

I have chosen this music video because of its importance to the future project of A-Cross Media. There are a lot of good ideas we could use for our video. Here are the main ideas we could use from each picture (From Left to Right, Top to Bottom):

Picture 1:  LL Cool J stands in the ring at the start of the video, the microphone hardly visible. I really enjoy the black & white effects of this video, although it is an old clip. We are thinking about using this effect for early on scenes and than maybe adding some colours as the music video progresses.

Picture 2: A close up on the singers head is shown. Another good idea would be using the rapper in our music video as an announcer in a fight.

Picture 3, 4,5 and 6: Several mid shots and close ups are displayed of the artist working out. We definantely want to get some shots of the main character(s) working hard to become a good boxer.

Picture 7: A long shot of the ring. It might be almost impossible to get a ring, but we will try hard to get at least an old fashioned micro.

Picture 8: A close up of a person taking a hit to the face. There will be a boxing fight.

Picture 9: I have chosen picture 9 because of its great meaning. It shows that a dream isn't reality and that everything sounds easy, but the way to the top is long and rocky.

Mittwoch, 21. September 2011

Inspirational: The Art Of Boxing!

This video is a very good inspirational source for the music video we are going to make. It shows how hard boxing is and how much effort is needed to become a good boxer. This video even offers a surprise (for some people) at the end, so go check it out!

Introducing: The Logo

I have chosen this logo out of three others, because doesn't include any too strong religious bonds, but rather a crossing, maybe adds a connecting feature. This artwork has been done with the programme Paint.

Dienstag, 20. September 2011

Coach Rick The Art of Technical Boxing Mittwork Unique Mayweather Boxing Focus Padwork Training: Analysis Task 6 Part 2

Not only the title, but also the video is a very long take. We see a coach and a boxer fighting in a boxing studio with several equipement lying around in a long shot. He (coach) is training her (boxer) with various padwork techniques. About halfway the scene dissolves just to see the same shot again, probably hiding any errors made. We here her punches in the padwork and a bit of surrounding foley studio sounds (phones, etc.). At 2 minutes past we see another dissolve going on this time showing another area of the studio with a completely different boxer. The coach isn't wearing a black t-shirt anymore but now a yellow t-shirt and a Do-rag. The boxer isn't female anymore, but a black male in a gray tank top and boxing trousers. they start over with the same type of technique. In the background Hip-Hop/Rap (No, not "Hate It Or Love It") music is heard. Another dissolve appears and it shows them at a later time in the same part of the room as the female boxer was in with the coach. The music has changed to something more relaxed and eased. At the end they stop training and the video suddenly stops. The reason why I have chosen this video is not because I am lazy and I didn't want to write as much about a video than last time, but because I wanted to point out the uniqueness of the training that A-Cross Media wants to show in the music video. We also want to display how hard it is to keep up with the strong competition.

I Still Got a Soul (Boxing After Dark): Analysis Task 6 Part 1

The video starts of by fading in a close-up of a black man with a beard wearing a wooly hat. His head rests on a piece of newspaper. The horn of a train wakes up the person. The scene quickly jumps (jump cut?) to a close up of what the man is holding: a golden money jar. Another quick jump cut switches to the train just passing by under a bridge. We see the same man lying in the middle of the extreme long shot on a (old) matress. The grafitti and the dangling moss of the bridge make the area seem very dark and derelict. He looks down. A eyeline match transitions the shot to a close up of rubble and a red sock next to a couple of white socks. We also hear the beginning of a melody. The shot jumps back to the overall extreme long shot. The man stands up clutching the money jar to his body. He walks off until suddenly the scene changes to a close up of his upper body, showing the tight grip on his money jar, and him sitting in an underground train. We can hear underground-train sounds in the background. a jump cut again changes the scene to a close up of him looking up. He has a golden chain with a cross on and this shot also allows more attention to his dirty clothes. It seems that this man is in a poor condition. A short back and forth between two shots views that the middle class people stay away from him, as a long shot is displayed with him sitting in a seating row all by himself, watching the other people. The next shot shows a close up of him again looking around in a grocery store. a match on action occurs as he grabs a small, silver package (close up). He does this in a very fast motion, making it seem like he steals it. Another shot (jump cut, again) shows him unraveling the package in a close up, revealing the inside: a piece of soap. he washes himself in a bathroom, possibly a public toilet, as he uses the sink to wash his back and his shirt. A scene views him in a mid shot entering a house. He walks through a short alley, which at the end reveals another black man in a boxing ring. The music changes to an inspirational melody. On the boxing field he empties his money jar (close up). The person, who is probably in charge of the boxing club, passes him boxing trousers and starts giving him training. A montage appears of him training with his new coach, sleeping outside, going for work, donating blood, fighting, earning money and giving it to the coach. A short close up take of him selling his crosses and chains is also shown in the montage. At the end we see a jump cut of him praying in the altar in a long shot. this changes into various outside, thoughtful shots at night. He is also shown in a boxing cape in a mid shot going towards his fight. It ends with him in the boxing ring looking at the camera, ready for the fight.

Montag, 19. September 2011

Permission: Task 5

What you see above is part of an e-mail asking Aftermath Entertainment for permission to use the song "Hate It Or Love It" for educational use in our A-levels. We didn't get an answer back yet and we hope it'll change in the next couple of days.

Hate It Or Love It: Task 4

The Track that A-Cross Media has chosen is "Hate It Or Love It" by The Game and 50 Cent. The Genre would be Hip-Hop/Rap. In most ways this genre is very stereotypical. Often things such as do-rags, caps, tank-tops, muscles, low rider cars, hoodies, gangsters, a "hood" and gangs appear. We will try to fit these things into a Gordonstoun surrounding and mix and match a bit.